love song

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April 25, 2016 by moocowvindaloocow

Love song is a book about Nina, a strong character who does what every other girl but her has always wanted to do – go on tour with popular rock band The Point.

Love song was quite cheesey in places but overall had a interesting storyline and kept me hooked throughout. I loved how each character was well established and how Nina kept faith in the band for her, her sister and all fans of The Point. This book links amazingly with real life as they are always listening to real songs and at the end of the book there is a playlist of all of the songs mentioned which gives you a feel for what it would be like to be in the setting for the book.
I would recommend this book to people who have never read a romantic book as it was quite trivial and a nice, easy read. I did get quite boring in places but I’m glad that I kept on reading because it has a great twist at the end!

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